Hello! I'm Meg. I married my husband, Tim, in 2010.  We welcomed our first child, Flynn Ryan, into the world on November 6, 2011. You can read about my drug-free birth here

[27 hours of labor later...]

We met in the summer of 2006 while I was doing my college internship at a car rental company and Tim was a valet for a car dealership. We flirted a little bit, but it was all over when he invited me to see his band play. I've always had a weakness for musicians. 

[Young love]
[Visiting friends in San Diego during our childless years]
6 years, a wedding, a baby & a dog later, life is pretty crazy but we're making it work! I'm not a stay-at-home Mom, but I still consider myself somewhat of a Susie Homemaker. I love to cook, I'm a bit of a neat-freak, and I like to get crafty with my sewing machine when I have the time. Tim works hard as an automotive technician, which has amazing perks, like, we never have to pay for car repairs - ever! He still plays guitar & writes music and is amazing at doing manly things like opening jars, mowing the lawn and fixing stuff around the house. I like a man with some hair on his chest. Literally & figuratively.

[Flynn's first baseball game. Go Phillies!]

A little about the blog

I consider myself a conservative because many (but not all) of my beliefs fall on the right end of the political spectrum. I'm also a little crunchy because I like things au natural. We cloth diaper, line-dry laundry, avoid processed foods & buy organic (within reason, we DO have a budget), recycle & reuse, prefer alternative approaches to healthcare, and I'm currently on a crusade to rid our home of toxic cleaning & personal care products. Let's just say Dr. Bronner's Liquid Castile Soap is my new BFF.

This is not a political blog - don't worry. It's about our lifestyle & our family.
Thanks for stopping by!